Cult5ive: Rapper from Canada seems like just another Rapper…

Seems like just a month ago Cult5ive had a much larger following, and seeming to be gaining popularity though his music he was dropping on a more frequent basis, so what happened…?
Rumours would have it Cult5ive had been working on projects in the dark, like “SOLO PLAYER” and a couple, decent Solo tracks he recently released to major platforms, both making some ammount of noise in the industry, but while we see that’s true, where is he? What has he been doing? And why dose it seem like from a listeners perspective, he’s not all that cracked up to be?
Well, we talked to him in an interview done on his show “BEDROOM INTERVIEWS” where we sent in questions for him to answer and he did…
Here are just a few of the questions asked with quoted answers:
We asked: ”are you aware of any articles written about you?”
And his answer was:
“yeah I am, I’m aware of the positive ones and that there are maybe a couple negative ones out there but nothing else.”
;and that was short formed for you viewers
We also asked:
“what’s happening with your music?”
And his answer was:
“I have stuff coming on the way, a couple albums in the works and some solo singles”
;also in point form for your viewing.
For the full interview check out this link here:
With what we asked, and what can be seen,
Cult5ive seems to be on track with music and making more “content” for us as an audience, but it doesn’t seem like a sure thing just yet, like the title of this article suggests we want to know, “is he worth it?” Is Cult5ive worth checking out & is his music worth our time in listening to,
As an artist, he seems capable but not at the point yet of true attention and recognition, but is that something that groups him with the rest of the rappers trying to make it in the industry?
Or sets him apart?
We asked a lot of questions in the “BEDROOM INTERVIEW” to get to have an insight into where his music is heading and things the world might not already know about the Artist, and needless to say, we’re not really sure what to expect from a Canadian artist in the underground rap scene, but it would seem like he’s been doing average for a 21 year old rapper.
So what did happen to his following of 25,000 monthly listeners and attention on social media?
Did numbers just drop?
Or was it something else?
It seems like it could have been the lack of interest in the Artist, or just a pass by of momentary excitement.
Dose that mean he’s not going anywhere, time will tell, but as we know right now, it seems that with roughly 1000 monthly listeners, his numbers are still climbing, and it’s just a matter of time before we see what talent this rapper actually possesses.
Some would argue his talent is recognised right now, we wanted to leave that up to you to figure out, for us we see potential, but a considerable lacking in regards to attention.
We wanted to make this article in reflection of what attention Cult5ive is gaining in as of currently, and to show another light to the rapper, an audience seems to love, why is that? And why have we not seen or heard more?
Cult5ive dose seem to be a rapper that people can get behind in some way and we wanted to explore why with a different side of understanding in this article, one thing dose still stands true,
in these next few years we’ll see where Cult5ive is heading.
If you’d still like to check out the Artist, use the links here:
Check out the album now with these links:
Apple Music:
Or check out Cult5ive and all his other songs with these links:
Apple Music:
For all the links to Cult5ive check out this link here:
Cult5ive (33 links)
What will we see next from Cult5ive, truth be told it’s up in the air, but we’ll be keeping updates, check out some of the other articles listed below for more on Cult5ive.
Linked articles:
Hip-Hop Since 1987:
Rolling Hype Magazine:
So we ask again… do you think it’s worth it…?
Is Cult5ive worth the time and our attention?