
Ever wondered how someone can pivot from chasing basketball dreams to becoming a music sensation? That’s exactly the incredible journey of DUG-G, also known as Duggy. He started dribbling a basketball at just 7 years old, hoping to turn that passion into a scholarship and a professional career. But life had different plans for him. Let’s dive into how DUG-G transformed setbacks into opportunities, ultimately leading him to the world of music.

Early Basketball Dreams

DUG-G was all about basketball during his early years. Like many kids, he dreamed of hitting game-winning shots and making it big in the sport. His ambition took him across the ocean to the United States, where he believed a scholarship would be his ticket to stardom. But reality hit hard. The pressures of the sport, combined with the competitive environment, began to weigh him down.

The Shift to Music

Have you ever had a moment when you realized your dreams might need a change? For DUG-G, that moment came when he found himself DJing at college parties instead of playing on the court. It was a surprising twist, but it sparked a new passion. The thrill of mixing tracks and creating an atmosphere resonated with him. He started to pivot his focus, and music began to take center stage in his life.

Finding His Sound in London

After wrapping up his basketball journey, DUG-G made a bold move to London to further his education. It was here that he took music seriously for the first time. Imagine the bustling city life fueling his creativity! He dedicated himself to writing raps and honing his musical skills. This wasn’t just a hobby anymore; it was the beginning of a new chapter.

Embracing Challenges

Fast forward two years, and DUG-G found himself back in his hometown of Ankara, Turkey, right as the pandemic hit. While most people were feeling stuck, he saw a unique opportunity. At 25, he completed his college degree and set up a home studio. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! This was his chance to fully immerse himself in music, and he didn’t waste it.

The Rise of DUG-G

As DUG-G honed his craft, his freestyles began gaining traction. Suddenly, he was no longer just a local talent; people started to notice. This momentum led to a significant breakthrough: he signed a record deal with Bentley Records in New York City. Can you believe it? From a kid dreaming of basketball stardom to signing with a major label!

First Releases and Growing Success

During his first year with Bentley Records, DUG-G released three singles and his debut album, Hate & Love. Each track was a piece of his soul, reflecting his journey and struggles. His sound began to resonate with audiences, blending his unique experiences into his music. Now, he’s working on his next project, driven by passion and a steadfast belief in the process.

The Power of Perseverance

DUG-G’s journey isn’t just about music; it’s a powerful story of perseverance. He believes that trusting the process and enjoying the journey are key ingredients to success. How often do we get so focused on the end goal that we forget to appreciate the steps along the way? DUG-G reminds us that every setback can be a setup for a comeback.

A Message for Aspiring Artists

To all the dreamers out there, DUG-G’s story is a beacon of hope. Whether you’re passionate about music, sports, or any other field, remember that paths can shift. Embrace those changes! The key is to stay committed to your craft and never lose sight of your dreams.


From a young basketball enthusiast to a burgeoning music star, DUG-G has shown us that life can lead us on unexpected paths. His journey is a testament to the power of adaptability and the relentless pursuit of passion. As he continues to carve his niche in the music industry, we can’t wait to see where his talent takes him next. For updates on DUG-G and his inspiring music, be sure to follow his journey.

So, are you ready to join DUG-G on this ride? Keep an ear out for his upcoming tracks, and who knows? Maybe you’ll find inspiration in his story just as he found his in the melodies of life.

Listen here: DUG-G – Game Over