Club Bahia in Hollywood, California, on Sunset Boulevard was sparsely populated as the Haiqeem band entered the stage. The singer was dressed casually in t-shirts, jeans, and sports shoes. Haiqeem’s initial music was Empezar De Nuevo which is a twist on the bands current discography which is for the most part is in English. The Spanish Pop/Rock track began with Shelby P. the guitarist playing steady and distorted backbeats. Even though the electric guitar keys affected the harmonic structure, the complexities and distortion of interval association produced a pleasant sound. For example, the electric guitar played in major chords as Empezar De Nuevo progressed. The musician played the guitar with an overdriven tone.

My favorite performance was Don’t Give a Damn, as the guitarist switched to power chords. The electric guitar seemed to produce dissonant partials to create extra frequencies. Even though the guitarist could not diminish the key’s pleasantness, Haiqeem maintained a distorted tone to enhance a powerful sensation. Wrath seemed to lack the interval of a triennial and thus contained an ambiguous chord quality. The harmonic frameworks of major keys and power appeared identical because of the amalgamation of chords that the distortion produced. The sound quality uplifted the small audience, who could not stop screaming and moving. Wrath made Club Bahia alive as the listeners slung their hands in the air.

Slither, a cover song by The Velvet Revolver, delivered a spectacle as Christian Pamlin took the podium during the chorus and led the track while Haiqeem backed him up. Even though Wrath was a heavily rhythmic melody, the vocals appeared dragged out. Christian Pamlin ensured that his style was simple and incited the audience to continue dancing. The expertise mesmerized the audience. The Fly rhythm seemed to differ from the initial songs as it adopted a regular dancehall rhythm, although the electric guitar played distorted chords. Haiqeem continued the dancehall-like and reggaetón meets pop/rock rhythm in the closing track Me Dijiste, another Spanish language track. The musicians danced to the unique pulse to conclude the concert with a shrill.

Rating: 4/5