Sun King Rising

Sun King Rising, the solo project helmed by singer-songwriter and genetic scientist John Blangero, continues to defy genre boundaries with its latest single, “One More Story to Tell.” This track, released as the second single from the “Signs and Wonders” LP, is a soul-infused rock narrative that blends southern rock, country, and soul into a compelling musical tapestry.

Lyrical Mastery and Narrative Depth

“One More Story to Tell” is a lyrical tour-de-force, built around a vivid narrative that chronicles the escapades of a musician who uses his poetic prowess to charm and manipulate. The song opens with the evocative line, “The scent of a secret is floating on the wind,” immediately drawing listeners into a world of intrigue and deception. Blangero’s words are not just lyrics; they are storytelling at its finest, painting a vivid picture of a charismatic yet morally ambiguous protagonist.

Lines such as “Metaphor and rhythm make you fair weak in the knees / Promises and miracles and mudflat symphonies,” showcase Blangero’s ability to weave complex, evocative imagery into his songwriting. The lyrics are a blend of poetic finesse and narrative depth, providing a rich, multi-layered listening experience. Each verse adds a new layer to the story, keeping the listener engaged from start to finish.

Musical Arrangement and Performances

The track features an ensemble of accomplished musicians, each contributing to the song’s rich, textured sound. Steve Schuffert’s guitar work is notably exceptional, providing both the melodic backbone and the emotional heft of the song. George Elliott’s bass lines are tight and groovy, perfectly complementing George Perilli’s dynamic drumming. The rhythm section creates a solid foundation, allowing the more melodious elements to soar.

Backing vocals by Stevee Wellons, Joy Brown, and Bernice Wilkerson add a layer of soulful harmony that elevates the track. Their voices blend seamlessly with Blangero’s, creating a lush vocal landscape that enhances the song’s emotional resonance. The horn section, arranged by Ralph Guzzi and featuring Kenny Blake on saxophone, adds a layer of sophistication and grandeur, reminiscent of the classic 60s-70s Muscle Shoals sound.

Production Quality

Engineered by David Granati at Maplewood Studio in Ambridge, PA, and mixed and mastered by Brian Foraker, the production quality of “One More Story to Tell” is top-notch. The soundscape is rich and well-balanced, allowing each instrument and vocal line to shine without overshadowing the others. Producer Ace Acker has done a commendable job in bringing out the best in each musician, creating a coherent and compelling final product.


“One More Story to Tell” is a testament to Sun King Rising’s ability to blend diverse musical influences into a cohesive and captivating whole. John Blangero’s southern roots, combined with his literary influences and musical prowess, make for a unique and engaging listening experience. The song is available on all major streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.

For fans of soul-infused rock with a storytelling twist, “One More Story to Tell” is a must-listen. Sun King Rising continues to push the boundaries of what southern rock and soul can achieve, making each new release a highly anticipated event. More details about Sun King Rising and their music can be found at [Sun King Rising’s official website](

In sum, “One More Story to Tell” is not just a song; it is an experience—rich in narrative, lush in musical arrangement, and impeccable in production quality. It stands as a shining example of what Sun King Rising has to offer, promising more great stories and music to come.