“Yes… It’s simple…. It’s just we’re moving toward the future,” he said when asked if he’s running for president.
After unsuccessfully running for president in 2020, Kanye West is giving it another go in 2024.
Why Kanye wants to run for president
According to those supporting his campaign, Kanye West wants to restore prayer in schools, increase government funding for religious organisations, and even ask his campaign staff not to engage in “fornication” with anyone outside of marriage.
The Christian revivalist and billionaire hip-hop star Mr. West is not running for office; rather, he is “walking,” in his words.
Kanye West’s prospects of becoming president in 2024 have been studied
He was unsuccessful in overthrowing the Democratic and Republican parties, but he is still fighting.
He confirmed his plans in a video posted on Twitter on Sunday, according to Mirror. He stated Milo Yiannopoulos, a far-right commentator, was behind his campaign.
In the video, Kanye asserts that the former Breitbart News editor has already begun developing the plans.
Kanye responded, “This is Milo right here, working on the campaign.
Milo responded, “I think it is,” and then added, “Thanks, I accept.”
“So you’re running?” The cameraman then questioned Kanye. Kanye answered, “Yes,” to that.

What are some issues that Kanye might have to deal with if elected
According to Skelley, if the U.S. elects someone like Kanye West, other nations might follow suit and see if they can get away with similar behaviour. “Countries that are not our closest allies might decide it’s a good time to move because they [would] think the United States might be unable to organise a response,” the author writes.
In terms of how he would use his pop cultural impact to win the election, West would probably follow in Obama’s footsteps. The voting process would be forced upon an increasing number of young people, which is actually a positive thing. One of the (likely only) advantages of Kanye running would be to inspire millennials to participate in politics and learn how their government functions.
How would Kanye West’s presidency be different from others
Less than four months before the Nov. 3 U.S. presidential election, Kanye West, an American rapper and fashion designer, will have significant challenges in mounting a serious campaign.
West, a famous backer of Trump, would have two options for doing so. A political scientist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, James McCann, suggested that he might try to win the support of a minor political party.
Another choice would be to attempt to run as an independent candidate if no party was able to assist him in getting on the ballot.
But in a few states, such as New Mexico and crucial battleground North Carolina, the deadlines for registering in this manner have already past.