Bill Abernathy

Bill Abernathy, an accomplished singer-songwriter hailing from Kansas City, has once again demonstrated his prowess in crafting compelling narratives through his music with the release of his latest single, “Save Your Drama for Your Momma.” Known for his deeply expressive voice and storytelling abilities, Abernathy’s new track is a bold and unapologetic commentary on contemporary political and social issues, wrapped in a brilliantly composed musical package.

The song opens with a catchy and assertive chorus that sets the tone for the rest of the track. “Save your drama for your momma / You all should be ashamed,” Abernathy sings with a conviction that is both arresting and thought-provoking. The chorus is not merely a repeated refrain; it acts as a rallying cry against the hypocrisy and deceit prevalent in today’s political landscape. The repetition of the line “We’re all so sick and tired of all your politics and games” resonates deeply, capturing a sentiment felt by many listeners.

In the first verse, Abernathy takes aim at the political elite, particularly those in Washington, D.C. He criticizes the economic policies that have left many struggling while politicians remain indifferent. Lines like “Inflations just another / Transitory phase” and “Drowning in their policies / Cause they don’t ‘get’ the math” highlight the disconnect between policymakers and the real-world economic struggles of ordinary people. The verse’s narrative is supported by a rich instrumental backdrop featuring Kevin Rogers on electric guitars, Craig Kew on bass, Alex Cordero on keyboards and strings, and Larry Gann on drums and percussion. The synergy between the instruments creates a powerful and immersive experience for the listener.

Abernathy doesn’t shy away from addressing environmental concerns and the hypocrisy surrounding the “new green deal transition.” He points out how politicians have manipulated these initiatives for personal gain, as illustrated by the lines, “They bought before they passed the bill / To maximize their profit.” This critique extends to the exploitation of Mother Earth and the inhumane conditions faced by those in the mining industry, adding layers of depth and urgency to the song’s message.

The second verse shifts focus to the performative nature of modern politics. Abernathy describes how political figures use theatrics to manipulate public opinion, with lines like “With fists held high, they scream their lies / To fire up their groupies.” He highlights the oppressive measures taken against those who dissent, painting a dystopian picture that is both chilling and thought-provoking.

The bridge of “Save Your Drama for Your Momma” is particularly striking. Abernathy’s criticism reaches a crescendo as he sings, “Listen what they really say / Delusional and crazy,” pointing out the absurdity and dishonesty in political rhetoric. The line “That the next Pandemic in the USA is / Diarrhea of the mouth” is a scathing indictment of the endless cycle of lies and misinformation.

Throughout the track, the production quality is impeccable, thanks to the efforts of Larry Gann, who not only played drums and percussion but also engineered, produced, and mastered the song alongside Abernathy. The careful layering of acoustic and electric elements, combined with Abernathy’s poignant lyrics and emotive vocal delivery, creates a song that is both engaging and impactful.

In conclusion, “Save Your Drama for Your Momma” is a powerful addition to Bill Abernathy’s impressive repertoire. It showcases his ability to blend sharp social commentary with exceptional musicality, making it a must-listen for both fans and newcomers alike. As Abernathy continues to evolve as an artist, it’s clear that his music will remain a vital voice in the landscape of contemporary Americana and folk.

“This was a very easy song to write while listening to politicians who talk a lot more than they actually work. Good deal if you can get it. Note to self, there is more to governing than collecting sound bites and mic drop moments. My kindergarten teacher would make me sit in the hall if I called people names. Things that make you say hmmm.”

‘Save your drama for your momma and just go to work and do your job. Every coach in every sport everywhere. Just saying… Favorite line. “The next pandemic in the USA is diarrhea of the mouth”

Vote people, Vote…” – Bill Abernathy