Rahim Handy, an aspiring and talented visual producer, is excited to announce the release of his first full-feature documentary film, titled “The Dream Chaser.” The film tells the inspiring and powerful story of Lil Snupe, a prodigy rapper who rose to fame before being tragically killed at the young age of 18. With a passion for authentic storytelling, Handy has put in diligent efforts to forge his path in the entertainment industry and build his portfolio with impressive artists such as Yella Beezy, Trap Boy Freddy, Runt Dawg and Naughty by Nature.
“The Dream Chaser” features over 97 interviews with top hip-hop industry elites, friends, and closest family members of Lil Snupe. Through this documentary, Handy aims to showcase the rapper’s immense talent and his impact on the industry. The film highlights Lil Snupe’s journey, how he overcame obstacles, and ultimately achieved his dream of becoming a rapper. The documentary was created to inspire others to pursue their dreams and never give up.
In an interview, Handy shared that he wanted to create a film that was bigger than just a rap documentary about a rapper. He believed that Lil Snupe’s story was a much bigger story than that and deserved to be told in a captivating and uplifting way. Handy has gained extensive experience in the filmmaking industry and is now acknowledged as a specialized documentary filmmaker. He has also built a video production company from the ground up in Dallas.
For more information about “The Dream Chaser” and Rahim Handy’s video production company, visit their website https://www.clearmotionfilms.com/ and https://www.thedreamchaserfilm.com/. You can also follow Handy on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/rahim.cmf and watch the trailer for “The Dream Chaser” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo9ohm8Nkb0.